Me in Japan: RYE meeting

   Rotary Youth Exchange student Dereck tells all of his trip to Japan for a year. Can you manage to figure out the typos???
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

RYE meeting

Well, over the weekend ther was the last Exchange student meeting. 2 people have already gone back leaving 4 of us here. me and teh french girl leave on the same day but differant Airports and one american is here to the 7th of July. I seen them for the last time I suppose.

We also took a Japanese test. WeE had to write a thing on our stay in Japan in Japanese. and that was it. They saied (without reading them) they all looked good. Then we ate a couple cookies and left.

I seen troy after that, 2 friends had things come up and ditched at the last minute, I don't care, I wantted to see that movie, so I did. I liked it for the most part. And I even remember some of the mythology that explaines the story stuff.. like all the powers that certian people had and who people were and what their death causes down the road. Fun stuff.

Now I need to write a speech for my school and a letter to a friend. One in Japanese one in English, not to hard, I'll post later... Well If blogger dosn't break.... I can't photoblog right now, it is broke, and that makes me mad....


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