OK, I turned on a few cool things and enabled a bunch of new fetures for the site, but the old template that the makes the site look like it does dosn't have all the code to handle the new stuff, I want to put MY template back up ASAP and will work on it tonight. I am using just a general "BLAH" template that 1000's of other people are using right now too, so not original. But you should try posting a comment to this post and check it out but clicking comment below. there is a link on all the posts so you sa asl me questions or say somthing to me without e-mailing me! postin g a comment will let everyone else see you message too.
I have a few new pictures from osaka last month posted for you to try out. I think I like the new set up, but... I need to fit a completely new template to that site and I will start on it tonight. also, I have to enter in all picture one at a time so I can type in Comments about them and Its just wow, look at the post below for the new link. Durring the switch to the new template all my links on the right are gone at the moment, They will be back tonight, I am walking ou tthe door to aikido right..... NOW!