Kendo shiai[tournament]
I got to see my first official Kendo tournament today and yesterday. I didn't fight mind you, but I did watch. I also took about 20 movies of fights. I was looking for videos of Kendo matches on the internet and found about 5, I will put my own on the net and then people will be able to find them more easy. My gift to the internet, along with my Japan pictures.
I'll put of the movies when I get around to it, You know how that could end up. Its taken 2 month's for the pictures to start getting up on the net and over 8 months for descriptions...
any ways,the games were awesome! The teams were from all over Kumamoto prefecture. Kumako lost all 3 of the individual games on the first round but today..... Today we won one team battle! Yah Kumako!!! And in the next battle, the club captain won his match but the rest of the team lost there's so we didn't move on, no one expected a win during that round.
I have no clue why some people won and others lost, it was too fast for me o see anything. My camera on my phone is too low quality to really get any detail either, but I managed to figure out a few battles.
All the aikido people are in some special training thing and I didn't go because I didn't think there would be any time, That also means the normal practice was canceled. OH well, I didn't think I would make it back in time in any case.
tomorrow I will start to choreograph my speech to Kumako for my good bye farewell thing. Its so fast! I also have to do up a 3 page report for Rotary on the 16th of next month.. .I was thinking of printing out my blog and given that to them. Its about 97 pages more then they asked for, but whatever.
I Just did a count, I have 88 pages of posts since starting this blog. That is text only posts, no links, no pictures, no formatting, just the date and the then the post. I am afraid, very afraid... I have to spell check that at some point in time before printing it off... I best start spell checking posts as I post them then.
jya ne