Me in Japan

   Rotary Youth Exchange student Dereck tells all of his trip to Japan for a year. Can you manage to figure out the typos???
Friday, April 23, 2004

So I'm looking though My list of referals( a referal is a site that links to my site) via the tracker that I have and I see a blog, Ok Ill check it out. Some Japanese ?guy? near tokyo linked to my Japnese blog site and wished me luck. If you go to that site you won't understand it but, you can see me name in English letters.

I thought that was cool, I have sites that link to me. Which means I have content hat people find interesting... and there isn't much of that in my Japanese site. very VERY sparse info and broken sentences. Oh, its like my English section with less updates. If you didn't notic you can click that Japanese flag near the top right of the page and see the Japanese site. Or just click here

I'm gonna keep a look out for more. that was intesting reading that guys blog.... Yes I could read it.

This is a site I found interesting. He's an Aussy from down-under. THats what I made of it at least THere are minimal typos and he has been here about 2 monthes now... He teaches English with NOVA an English school that is all over Japan and in almost every city.... He does like nutto though, that is weird.... *shivers* I can eat vegimite but nutto.....


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