All the First year students(AKA Freshmen) we intorduced and stuff today. The cerimony included us singing the school song at the new students and stampeading them during the first "OSE!"(like a greating but only kinda.) For once the guy holding the flag, a friend of mine, held the flag high and at the proper angle... that was a first accully.
Then after a few people seid things I don't have a clue about, THe brass band gave a performance..... They are that good. The band won the 2nd best in teh nation tital at a compitition and I see why. THey played 5 songs and did all the marching and danceing you expect of the second best High school band in the country. I was amazed at the people with the tubas, the though them in the air making them spin and cought them, then played more..... If you ever held a tuba, you'd know why that is impresive....
I was gonna cause HAvok fo rth eFreshmen JOHO system students(My class) but I lost my Fist year student badge.... I was gonna go pretend to be new and just cause random Havok, but.... Oh well. It was all right when walking thought the hall a freshmen bowed to me and yelled "Konechiwa"[Good Afternoon]... That was cool being on the reciving side....
YOSHIA![Alright!] I'm off to burn in the 27 degrees celcius weather. ATSUII[Its hot]!!!!