Thank you to the people that helped me with my little webpage problem I think if it works I will leave it then.
If you don't know what HTML is then stop reading this post right now. Your head will hurt after. The rest of the post is technical stuff.
When I originally put up the site I set my encoding to what ever blogger decided to use and that obviously didn't work for putting English inline with Japanese on the net right? well I found out that UTF-8 worked. I put it in my meta tag for the encoding and it worked on all the computers I got to get on in Japan. But I thought Unicode might be the default charictorset in The computer and a US computer wouldn't need these Japanese charicters so any other computers would make any Japanese apear as boxes or question marks. But It apears that this isn't the case. when you install Asian Laguage capabilities you also enable the UTF-8 Japese any computer can accualy handle the UTF-8.
What I changed the encoding too during this misunderstanding was Shift-JIS. This is accually a pushed encoding my Microsoft that they want the world to adopt. This page happens to be encoded with UTF-8, inthery what should really be used and the
Japanese Page is encoded in Shift-JIS. Witch should YOU use when making a web page? what does your computer make easier for you to input? that is the real question. MS pushed their encoding out and it is on most computers that have any Japanese display support so if you must then do. The first standard and some would say the REAL standard is UTF-8. Do your own research, which page looks better and is easier to input, probly Shift JIS if you use Windows.
To set your encodeing to
UTF-8(this page's encoding) insert this code into your head statements
<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
To set your encodeing to
this page's encoding) insert this code into your head statements
>META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=shift-jis">