Monday, February 16, 2004
you know what? you can tell my tiredness by how many "."'s i put after a sentance.... YOu see lots of them, combinde with way too many typos and it usually means that I'm tired. In chat rooms it gets worse as i need to type faster
cold?flu really suck.........
I have been sick for a while now and to day it was a REALLY nice day and half day of school...... I got home eat lunch and took some medicine... then I slept thought the entire day........ it is 18:45 now.. the good day is gone and I didn't get to walk the dogs....
I don't know were winter went to.. in my mind, It was December until 2 days ago and I jumped all the way to march / april today. Its really weird...... I need masive amounts of snow... on the other hand...... I don't have to shovel snow...
I'm off, jaa ne.