go there and when a little box about a security warning pops up say yes and you will have quicktime. It will ask you a bunch of questions that you just need to click next next next next.... I think you need to type you name in a box some where though. Don't worry about your seirial number. It will give you the free vertion insted whitch is just fne.
then you go back to the movie listing on my web page( where you see the list of movies) and click one, It should cchange into a big screen that say quicktime and start down loading. It will take forever on you internet connection, just wait and it should start.
If it dosn't then Just wait Untill I get set up and I will make movies that are easier to get. Today I'm gettting new pictures up. then I will try to get these movies taken care of. I know what neeeds to be done and that is the scary part. and my page looks purple agian....