ouch, 2 weeks without Internet....... It hurt me much more than It hurt you trust me. But I survived and you will too. way to much happend, now I'm in a net host family house, the reason for no net, and its 2004. I counted my "pocket change" and had over 90$ in my littl box then all the cash from new years. my allowance from rotary came in last week too, so I'm god on cash too for once.
Today we had a district conferance in Oita and kouchi came with us. I had to give a 5 minute speach and I found that I didn't save my typed out one on a CD like I though. I did save teh outline in english of my speech though, that wasn't a lot of help though. I typed out a new one, and had 2 hours later finished.... It was horable wihtout my teachers to correct it. while reading it, people looked unhappy that it wasn't going well and I took seppkatsu. (I ended up cutting it short).
Had a surprise test today too, that was great, I think i got a 50% this time, i got a 10 of 70 on the test in november i found out today. not the lowest score of the group.
We didn't read the rules a million times today for once, and that was a good hting, got right to the point and It was back o home, nothing exciting really, got to speak a little english. They really take the fun out of seeing onther exchange students here. tests then the yell at you for not speaking Japanese. and blah blah blah your In Japan speak Japanese..... I'm working on it..
we were going to see monkeys today while in Oita but there somhow wasn't enought time. I wanted to see monkeys! there is a monkey park where monkeys are just all over the place, no cages or anything. just monkeys... Ben whent and sent me a picture on my cell phone. cute little monkeys they are.
Get well soon mom in America.. and to all thouse that can't read this I'm changine the text color In a little while as soon as I get this computer set up to do work stuff and not just e-mail...