Saturday, December 20, 2003
Hehehehe ha haha ha... I think I just cracked....... I thought last time I did pictures I put them all up..... Nope..... Only half...... I have 150 pictures to put up on the web still!!!! ahhhhhhh, Well the good thing it that I got them all resized and formatted already now, I learned from last time what I need to do so it was quicker this time. I also see that I left the last page all messed up! Wow.... I'm working on that full force right now until the rotary party tonight for all you, there WILL I repeat WILL!!!! Be an update by the time normal people in America wake up.
Look at the Picture Navigation or your right
Ok, I need to stop stalling and go cya there. I got 5 pages for you to read below too of my trip to Hiroshima. ;P