Me in Japan

   Rotary Youth Exchange student Dereck tells all of his trip to Japan for a year. Can you manage to figure out the typos???
Sunday, November 02, 2003

Friday i whent to shimatori and i was riding my bike to a place i could park my bike and here was 7 Americanswalking down the street. "ok, they must be on some vacation" Then i start wanting down to shmatori and heres 7 more americans, "Howed they pass me, i didn`t see them even", I look bak and there the original 7 are standing, thats 14 americans in Kumamoto, "there must be some kind of conferance going on" start walking down shimaroti and by the time i got down to the end i had just under 50 americans in my head. One of them asked me what i was doing in japan and why was i off alone. Proudly saying i live here, and asking the same. they were the US military. Just a short vacation from duties. The more i walked the more that came out of every cornor and befor i left i was sure there was about 90 americans that gravitated to shimatori. plus some must have been other places too so that brings around 100 americans in one place. it was kinda skary. but that explained why smost of them were wearing Camaflauge backpaks. I was waiting for them to whip out AK47s and say "Kumamoto is under the control of the US army, you have no rights!" Kinda like in the book Dreamcatcher by steven king that i read. ;P

My host father got a new bissness partner in tokyo or some other town close to osaka. I don`t know whitch but he flew up and came here and there going golfing today. He did a double take when he saw me, an i just sat there wonder who was this guy, but kouchi decided to show off his english and tell mea all about him. ;P

Well, I`m pritty sure i lost the program and all the HTML files for the picture page on my website, time to start over(agian) *screams* the Site is still up, but i can`t update it anymore, so i have to start from scrach..... *realizes all the time he lost and screams agian* I don`t know were or how it when but it went. I just hope i can find a data recovery tool and find the stupid files....


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