Me in Japan

   Rotary Youth Exchange student Dereck tells all of his trip to Japan for a year. Can you manage to figure out the typos???
Friday, September 12, 2003

Today there was suposed to be a huge typhoon going through kyushu bot no. The typhoon didn`t even come close, a real bummer. It shrunk faster then the news thought it would and mised us, no rain, no wind, no cars flying in the air. BOaring.

TOday i found out m y school has a dormatory. 120 person capasity. they hace a small cafeteria and i was invited for lunch there. It was cury, and it was soooo good. nice and spicy. I MUST learn to make it.

Fishing is probly still off for the weekend though, the typhoon is still out off the coast maybe 50 or so miles.

short blog for an update on the typhoon


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